Saturday, March 28, 2009

MVOAA Square # 5

MVOAA Square # 4

Since somebody managed to get me to give him my Great American Aran Afghan, I have been regretting this ever since, I decided to make My Very Own Aran Afghan (MVOAA) with patterns I design myself or put together from a stitch dictionary.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


not dry yet... picture on the model follow

It*s here

and I finished the sweater - now it is blocking! the photos did not turn out very well... so I try again when it is dry and I have daylight!

Das Garn kam heute und so habe ich schnell den Ärmel beendet. Nun habe ich die Jacke kurz durchgespült und sie in Form gelegt. Bessere Fotos folgen bei Tageslicht und mit den wunderschönen Knitpicks-Knöpfen!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Out of Yarn

on the homestretch of the February Lady Sweater, I ran out of yarn... just the cuff left to do on the left arm... so now I am waiting for my yarn shipping and making chemo-caps while waiting...

Kurz vor dem Finish hatte ich keine Wolle mehr um die February Lady Jacke fertigzustellen. Nun warte ich seit einer Woche auf die Lieferung... Zwischenzeitlich ist es so warm geworden, dass die Saison für diese Jacke wahrscheinlich vorbei ist. Schnüff...

Chemo caps

I hope the lace holes are not too big...

Monday, March 9, 2009

February Lady Sweater

My first top down raglan; but I am loving it. And the pattern was free, yeah!

This talented lady developed it!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Take up knitting. According to research at the Harvard-affiliated Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, the repetitive motion and focus of needlework can elicit what's known as the relaxation response—a calming meditation-like state that slows heart rate and causes blood pressure to drop. In addition, a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society suggests that knitting is associated with a lower risk of dementia for those 65 and older.

From Oprah Magazin 3/2009

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