Sunday, June 17, 2007

And now it's time to double-face again:

Bella Bea(r)

Hot off the needles today: A gift for my mother. I hope she will like the little girl. I called her Bella Bea(r):

Different Dimensions - or Knitting is Contagious

So while I was knitting away at my socks, my sister was infected and began knitting her own socks, too. Now she is making baby socks for a friend of hers. Aren't they cute?

Prolific Vacation, Of Course

Naturally, even Hamburg could not keep me away from knitting needles. So it was time for socks and champagne. But see for yourself

Blogging from Hamburg, Germany

The wonderful sweater (I know thou shalt not toot thy own horn... ) was finished last week on Tuesday, the day before I traveled to Hamburg. But I did not get around to taking photos. So here it goes:

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

So much left

from the camel sweater yarn... so I sailed through the web to find a nice pattern and here got very lucky!!!

So last night I started my new sweater:

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

socks, sweaters and forgetfulness

Finished another pair of socks and have one in progress that I am cooperating on with my daughter and then I remembered I never showed the finished OldStash-CutApart-Sweater, so here it goes:

Friday, June 1, 2007

Camels Camels

Seems like the German knitting magazine Sabrina is a bottomless source of wonderful patterns:

It took me about a week to knit this and I am loving it...

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